
Ann Cannon has been a faculty member at Cornell College since 1993.
She is currently Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.
She has served terms as at-large member of the executive committee for the Stat-Ed section as well as
Council of Sections rep for Stat-Ed and as Treasurer (8 years) and President (1 year) for the Iowa Chapter of the ASA.
She was Associate editor for JSE from 2000 to 2009 and was moderator for Isostat from 2003 to 2007.
She has been an AP reader, table leader, question leader and was appoint Assistant Chief Reader in 2015.
In her spare time, she plays the French horn with local community summer band, the Cornell College orchestra and
occasionally with the Iowa City String Orchestra when they do pieces that require wind instruments.
She is also handbell player. She is married and mother to two boys. |
George Cobb is Robert l. Rooke Professor emeritus at Mount Holyoke College,
where he taught from 1974 to 2009 after earning his PhD in statistics from Harvard University.
He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, served a term as ASA vice-president,
and received the ASA Founder's award.
He is also recipient of the of the Lifetime Achievement award of the US Conference on Teaching Statistics.
He is author or co-author of several books, including Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiments
and Statistics in Action. His interests include Markov chain Monte Carlo, applications of statistics to the law,
and bluegrass banjo. |
Brad Hartlaub joined the Kenyon faculty in 1990. He is a nonparametric statistician,
and his research deals with rank-based tests for detecting interaction.
He has published research articles on count or rank based statistical methods in the Journal of Nonparametric Statistics,
The Canadian Journal of Statistics, and Environmental and Ecological Statistics.
He has served as the Chief Reader of the AP Statistics Program and
is an active member of the American Statistical Association's Section on Statistical Education.
Brad was selected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2006.
He has served the College as Chair of the Mathematics Department, Chair of the Division of Natural Sciences,
a member of the Self Study Committee, and a member of the Committee on Academic Standards.
He has received research grants to support his work with undergraduate students from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
and the Council on Undergraduate Research. His current project is a collaborative effort with students and
faculty members in the departments of biology and mathematics and deals with modeling metabolic rates for Manduca sexta. |
Julie Legler earned a BA and MS in Statistics from the University of Minnesota
and later a doctorate in biostatistics from Harvard. She has taught statistics at the undergraduate level
for nearly 20 years. In addition, she spent 7 years at the National Institutes of Health,
first as a postdoc and then as a mathematical statistician at the National Cancer Institute.
She has published in the areas of latent variable modeling, surveillance modeling, and undergraduate research.
Currently she is professor of statistics and director of the Statistics Program at St. Olaf College.
Recently she was named the Director of Collaborative Undergraduate Research and Inquiry at St. Olaf.
Robin H. Lock is Burry Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics,
Computer Science, and Statistics at St. Lawrence University.
He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, past Chair of the Joint MAA-ASA Committee on Teaching Statistics,
a member of the committee that developed GAISE (Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education),
and a member of the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education, CAUSE.
His work was recognized with the ASA's inaugural Waller Distinguished Teaching Career Awared in 2014 and he has won numerous other awards for presentations
on statistics education at national conferences. |
Tom Moore earned a B.A. from Carleton College, an M.S. from the University of Iowa,
and a Ph.D. from Dartmouth. He has been on the faculty at Grinnell College since 1980 and
has concentrated his scholarship on statistics education. He chaired the Statistics Education Section of ASA in 1995
and the MAA's SIGMAA for Statistics Education in 2004. He is a Fellow of American Statistical Association and
was the 2008 Mu Sigma Rho Statistical Education Award winner. |
Allan Rossman is Professor of Statistics at Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo and
previously taught in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Dickinson College.
His Ph.D. is in Statistics, from Carnegie Mellon University. He is co-author with Beth Chance of the
Workshop Statistics series and Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, and Methods,
both of which adopt an active learning approach to learning introductory statistics.
He was Program Chair for the 2007 Joint Statistical Meetings and
President of the International Association for Statistical Education from 2007-2009.
He serves as Chief Reader for the Advanced Placement program in Statistics.
He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and was one of the recipients of the
Mathematical Association of America's Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics in 2010. |
Jeff Witmer is Professor of Mathematics at Oberlin College.
He earned a doctorate in statistics from the University of Minnesota in 1983.
His scholarly work has been primarily in the areas of Bayesian decision theory and statistics education.
He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and served as editor of STATS magazine.
Among the books he has written or co-authored are Activity Based Statistics and Statistics for the Life Sciences. |